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“I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts.”

– Bill Gates

Image by Andrew Small


Created computer vision classification algorithm to detect and classify contaminating mold species on paper-based cultural relics to aid conservation practices according to infecting species.

Tools: Python🐍, Tensorflow


Designed a biological cleaning agent by combining biosurfactants and bioenzymes that perform minimal-invasive mold stain cleaning treatment on paper-based cultural relics while also achieve deacidification and anti-acidification purposes.

Old Hebrew Prayer Book
Contact Lenses


Implemented real-time segmentation to track ROI on color-changing mechanochromic contact lens and predict eyelid pressure using simple artificial neural network (ANN) to allow non-biased diagnosis of dry eye syndrome (DES).

Tools: Python🐍, cv2 library, PyTorch


Devised deep learning algorithm to dynamically recognize hand gestures using single channel EMG signal recorded from flexor muscle to assist human machine interface (HMI).

Tools: Python🐍, Tensorflow

Prosthetic Arm
Doctor Operating CT Scanner


Low-Dose CT Image Super-resolution

Experimented with Transformer architecture for creating super-resolution CT scans from low-dosage CT scans to assist imaging diagnostics. 

Tools: Python🐍, PyTorch

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